Our Ministries

Here are various ministries we would love to have you plug into.

A stock image of bread and wine used for communion.
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Holy Communion Service

The Eucharist is one of the primary ways the Lord feeds us with spiritual food and nourishes our souls. All those baptized into Christ Jesus, including young children, are welcome to partake with us in the Lord's Supper—no matter in which Christian church or denomination you were baptized.

A closeup shot of the communion table.
A close up of the front of Newell Chapel, a brick church building with white accents.

Bible Study

The study of Holy Scripture is foundational to the life of Church of the Holy Trinity. Following our Holy-Communion service on Sunday mornings, we gather at 11.00AM to study God's Word, pray for one another, and fellowship with one another.​ Bible study also is held at Newell Christian Chapel.

Midweek Prayer

Prayer is part and parcel of the lifeblood of the church. In addition to weekly worship and Bible study on Sunday mornings, Church of the Holy Trinity gathers on Wednesday nights at 6.30pm to pray and read Scripture at Newell Christian Chapel. Our prayer time is guided by the Evensong Daily Office service, and we include a time for spontaneous prayer as well.

Father Andrew kneeling to pray with a table holding two books behind him.
The white sign with black text for 1820 Heritage Manor

Senior-Saints Ministry

Holy Scripture commands us to care for and honor our elders. Church of the Holy Trinity therefore makes it a priority to minister to the senior saints of our community. We celebrate Holy Communion every second Sunday of the month with the wonderful people at Heritage Manor of Mandeville at 4.00 PM. We also lead and facilitate a Bible study at Heritage Manor of Mandeville every third Wednesday of the month at 4.00 PM.

Pastoral Support

The leadership of Church of the Holy Trinity offers compassionate care, guidance, and encouragement to individuals and families facing various life challenges. Father Andrew is here to walk alongside you during difficult times and celebrate with you during moments of joy.

Father Andrew preaching in a purple robe using a black binder.

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